Liquid Paint Added to SourceOne's Capabilities

Press Release:
  Mar 5, 2012 — To meet the needs of a growing customer base, SourceOne recently expanded its capabilities to include liquid paint. The new finishing capability was added to SourceOne’s lineup at the request of a customer whose parts were not suited to powder coating’s high curing temperatures. The 10' x 14' liquid paint booth, which went into production January 1, can finish approximately 500 to 800 parts per shift, depending upon size.

“Liquid paint is just another example of SourceOne employees working together to bring a new process to our customers,” said Ivan Reed, SourceOne Special Projects Coordinator.

If your finishing needs include the possibility of liquid finishes, contact Reed at And, if there are other capabilities you would like SourceOne to consider adding, don’t hesitate to ask. We are always looking for new opportunities to serve our customers.
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Tags: SourceOne, IMSCORP, Liquid Paint, Capabilities, Finishing, Paint Booth
Company Details:
 Contact:Jim Starkey 
 E-mail:jennifer -at- sourceonex -dot- com 
 Company:SourceOne View Company Profile 
 Address:work1030 SW 6th Street 
 Location:workLincoln, NE 68522  United States 
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