Unique, Energy Efficient, Multi-Zone Electric Infrared and Infrared with Air Clamshell Tunnel Oven Systems for Heating, Drying, and Curing Systems

Press Release:
  Jul 16, 2013 — David Weisman, L.L.C. is pleased to introduce its enhanced Multi-Zone Fast Response Electric Infrared and Infrared with Air Clamshell Tunnel Heating, Drying and Curing Systems. Clamshell Tunnel Heater Oven System design for customers to preheat and postheat wire and cable products prior to and following silicone and rubber extrusion and coating application, and dry, and cure solvent and water-based inks and liquid coatings, and powder coatings on wire and cable products (including bare wire and wire/cable insulation jackets). The system features superior, SR, relatively slow response electric infrared heater elements and unique with composite cloth quartz face covering on heater faces, energy efficient insulated enclosures that are built in a clamshell style for ease of threading new product. The systems can be built with multiple zones in series or in parallel for improved travel direction and side to side or top to bottom temperature profile on individual or tandem products where practical and with or without an air plenum which can be utilized to assist in drying, help cool product during line stoppages, or both. Controls come standard with closed loop feedback operating off of heater coil or product surface temperature. The tunnels and their controls are modular in design for easy addition of more heated length as required. Systems are flexible for horizontal or vertical orientation. Clamshell tunnels can be used as a stand-alone complete preheat, postheat, dry or cure oven or as a boost system in conjunction with an existing hot air/convection oven. Product bulletin and photos are attached.
For more information: http://www.infrared-heaters.us
Tags: electric infrared clamshell tunnel heater muffle oven
Categorized Under: Ovens
Company Details:
 Contact:David Weisman 
 E-mail:dave -at- daveweisman -dot- com 
 Company:David Weisman, L.L.C. (Weisman Ovens, Weisman Infrared) View Company Profile 
 Address:work18 Borglum Street 
 Location:workStamford, CT 06905  United States 
 Web Site:http://weismanovens.com