Press Release:
  Feb 9, 2016 — David Weisman, L.L.C. is pleased to introduce its latest Fast Response Electric
Infrared Boost Oven System design for customers to quickly boost the temperatures of liquid or powder coated on small, medium and large 3-dimensional products prior to entrance to a hot air/convection oven. The system features superior, fast response electric infrared heaters and controls, and modular design for addition of more heated height and/or addition of an air recirculation system. System can be used as a stand-alone complete cure oven or as a boost system in conjunction with an existing hot air/convection oven. The boost system will provide significant energy savings, allow increased line speeds and product throughput utilizing minimal floor space, dry or cure problem areas on particular parts, and/or reduce or eliminate cross-color contamination on powder coated parts. Product bulletin attached.

Background: David Weisman, L.L.C. designs and manufactures gas & electric infrared heater/control packages, and infrared, hot air/convection & combinations ovens. Applications include: Preheat/boost, cure, dry, postheat/postcure solvent & water-based paint and powder coatings on products. Heating for conveyorized metal, plastic, wood, etc. parts and paper, film, foil and textile continuous webs. Small to medium sized conveyorized ovens and turn-key systems. Automated or batch processes.
For more information: http://www.daveweisman.com
 Additional link: http://www.weismaninfrared.com 
Company Details:
 Contact:David Weisman 
 E-mail:dave -at- daveweisman -dot- com 
 Company:David Weisman, L.L.C. (Weisman Ovens, Weisman Infrared) View Company Profile 
 Address:work18 Borglum Street 
 Location:workStamford, CT 06905  United States 
 Web Site:http://weismanovens.com