Categories Starting with 'C' (Page #8)
Select one of the following categories to see related suppliers.
- Cellulose Sponges
- Central Vacuum Systems & Equipment
- Centrifugal Feeders Centrifugal feeders are parts feeders that exert rotary force to segregate materials. The parts are emplaced within the bowl feeders that gyrate rapidly causing the parts to be ejected to the outside of bowl feeders. Feeders of this class are swift and less clamorous than vibratory feeders. In addition, infliction of damage on parts is comparatively lesser with these feeders. These feeders are functional in feeding applications operating at high speeds, or in applications that proscribe vibration, and in diverse industries including packaging, assembling, manufacturing, bottle capping and medicine.
- Ceramic Components
- Cleaning Agents
- CNC Programming Machine Tools
- Copper Forgings
- Custom Cable Assemblies
- Cards
- Ceramic Bearings
- Chip Inductors
- Coaxial Cable Assemblies
- Commercial & Public Signs
- Communications Software
- Concrete Pipe
- Conveyor Belt Fasteners
- Counting Scales
- Cable Lugs
- Capacitive Sensors
- Cast Iron Ingot Molds
- Ceramic Insulation
- Chain Conveyor Systems
- Chemical Process Pumps
- Clay Refractories
- Commercial Security Systems
- Consumer Product Design & Development
- Coolant Filters
- Crankshafts
- Cantilever Racks
- Carbide Saws
- Carbon Steel Investment Castings
- Carbon Steel Wire
- Catalytic Converters
- Centrifugal Castings Centrifugal casting is a method of casting in which a product of desired dimensions is derived by decanting molten metal into the cavity of a gyrating mold made of any material. The resin and reinforcements settle as sediments against the inner surface of the rotating mold. The materials are anchored in place until the cast is cured by centrifugal force. The external surface of the part, which undergoes curing against the mold's inner surface, represents the finished surface. This casting approach is pressure and gravity independent and aids in containment of volatiles while the process is in progress.
- Chain Slings
- Clamp Knobs
- Cold Rolled Steel
- Cold Saws
- Colloidal Silica
- Concrete Vibrators
- Control Knobs
- Copper Bolts
- Cork Gaskets
- CP Titanium
- Crane Hoists
- Custom Baskets
- C276 Inconel
- Cam Rollers
- Canvas Bags
- Carbon Paper
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