Unique, Heavy Duty Gas Fired or Electrically Heated Hot Air Web Heating, Drying, and/or Curing Oven Systems

Press Release:
  Jan 11, 2010 — David Weisman, L.L.C. Gas Fired and Electrically Heated Hot Air Web Heating, Drying and/or Curing Oven Systems are used extensively in the paper, film, foil, and textile industries for heating materials for laminating and drying and curing coatings and adhesives, and drying and curing water and solvent based coatings on webs of essentially any size. Material can have one or two sides coated. Systems can be horizontally or vertically oriented. Systems feature superior, air nozzle air delivery and air recirculation systems with heavy duty sized variable speed air recirculation blowers, and superior temperature uniformity and control for quality, repeatable energy efficient heating, drying and/or curing. Solvent monitoring and indirect gas firing are available as well. A recent installation included two zones of closed loop temperature control to dry adhesive coatings on a paper and film webs prior to a lamination process.

Background: David Weisman, L.L.C. designs and manufactures gas & electric infrared heater/control packages, and infrared, hot air/convection & combinations ovens. Applications include: Preheat/boost, cure, dry, postheat/postcure solvent & water-based paint and powder coatings on products. Heating for conveyorized metal, plastic, wood, etc. parts and paper, film, foil and textile continuous webs. Small to medium sized conveyorized ovens and turn-key systems. Automated or batch processes.
Tags: oven system, web heating
Categorized Under: Ovens
Company Details:
 Contact:David Weisman 
 E-mail:dave -at- daveweisman -dot- com 
 Company:David Weisman, L.L.C. (Weisman Ovens, Weisman Infrared) View Company Profile 
 Address:work18 Borglum Street 
 Location:workStamford, CT 06905  United States 
 Web Site:http://weismanovens.com